Artist Misoon Whang At THE GALLO GALLERY 6240 Shirley St, Unit 205
About The Artist
Misoon Whang is a South Korean artist currently based in Naples, Florida. Throughout her rich and diverse career, Misoon has primarily focused on abstract visual art. Her mixed media work is a form of thoughtful extraction using endless color palette and textures that our surrounding offers: drawing out elements from aqueous vistas- rain, water, sky-capes, landscapes and other environmental structures. Her work strengthens and triggers our visceral rather than descriptive intellectual relationship to the viewer to inspire stories, feelings, emotions and memories in our lives.
Whang has a BFA from The Cooper Union and has placed work in Great Hall of Cooper Union, A.T. Hun Art Gallery in Savannah, GA, Manatee Art Center, Visual Art Center Punta Gorda, Coco Naples Art Gallery and private collections in Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Washington DC, New York, Ohio and California.

Art is the concrete representation of our most subtle feelings. Agnes Martin